Logo Design for the Helmut-Gollwitzer-Haus der Bildungsstätte der Evangelischen Jugend e.V. (Evangelic Youth Education Center) located in Wünsdorf, Brandenburg (Germany).

1st Round: Initial ideas

2nd Round: Calligraphic tryouts and traditional approaching with a strong resemblance to the house.

3rd Round: Calligraphic proposals a little more refined.

Final logo: Symbol integration with typographic addition. Color version at the top, B&W and negative at the bottom.
One photo of the Helmut-Gollwitzer-Haus.
Thanks to the amazingly friendly and cooperate people from the HGH and to our ReDesign Team, making part of it Saskia Stanek, Andrea Chen, Nadine Gütling and me. Vielen Dank für die gute Zeit, chicas!